Shopping cart
  • Your shopping cart is empty!

Shopping Cart
  • Your shopping cart is empty!

Settings General

General Tab

The general tab under Settings displays the following fields:

  • Meta Title: The name for the store to be displayed in the browser title toolbar.
  • Meta Tag Description: A tag providing a metadata description for the store. Meta tags are seen by search engines.
  • Meta Tag Keywords: Is used to define a set of keywords that describe the content of your website.
  • Store Logo: The Logo for the store.
  • Icon: the icon choose for your fav icon.
  • Theme: Select the template/theme of the store. OpenCart only has one, "default". To select a theme for your store, you can explore the templates available in the OpenCart Marketplace.Ronixa is one of the best choices for a professional design.
  • Default Layout: The default layout type for the store

Video Tutorial

setting general tab

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